Happy & Healthy Holiday Habits

Having a daily routine is one, if not the most important ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you get into the habit of waking up early to exercise, eating three balanced meals, and getting 7-8 hours of sleep each day, then they naturally become an integral part of your life.


However, there are times – like when traveling or celebrating the holidays – when it feels good to diverge from your normal routine. Living a healthy lifestyle is also about being flexible and not too rigid. You should enjoy the shift in your schedule and try to unplug as much as possible!


Striving for balance – mixing eating out with eating in and rest time with movement – is the right way to approach this busy time of year. Here are a few ways to help make sure that the holidays are happy and healthy, too:


Give a healthy upgrade to classic holiday dishes

When we think of Thanksgiving, pumpkin pie and stuffing come to mind. When we think of Christmas, it’s hot chocolate and sugar cookies. Most of the holidays in America revolve around foods that are processed and high sugar and trans-fat.

You can still enjoy all of your favorite family recipes or classic holiday dishes – with a few simple tweaks that will make them healthier. For example, if a recipe calls for sugar, use pure maple syrup or raw honey instead. If one calls for sour cream or cream cheese, opt for full-fat yogurt. And for any bread-heavy dishes, choose 100% whole-wheat instead of white bread. When you remove some of the added sugars, fillers, seed oils, refined carbs, etc., you won’t feel as bloated or sluggish.  

One of the best parts of the holidays is sitting around the table and eating together. And giving a healthy upgrade to your home-cooked meals won’t change any of that!


Don’t skip meals

I think some people get into a habit of fasting the day before (or morning of) a holiday celebration. Maybe it’s because you’re planning to eat heavy foods later in the day, or because you want to “pig out,” but skipping meals beforehand can do more harm than good.

The more you deprive yourself of food early on, the more likely you are to consume too much in the evening. And as the saying goes, “too much of anything is a bad thing.” However, if you start your day with a healthy breakfast, followed by a lighter lunch, you’re more likely to navigate the evening with portion control. If you indulge during one meal, then incorporate more nutrient-dense whole fruits and veggies at the other two.


Maintain your routine when it feels right

While the holidays are a nice diversion from your more hectic everyday schedule, sometimes maintaining your routine is a great way to balance the good with the bad. If you’re planning to drink alcohol or eat foods you don’t usually consume, then exercise should be a priority. If you’re planning to stay out late on Friday night, then make sure you’re in bed an hour earlier on Saturday. If you take a multi-vitamin every day, then continue to stay on top of it. We shouldn’t get so consumed with parties and celebrating that we forget the activities and habits that make us feel our best.

Get moving!

Don’t forget to sweat it out. Maybe you don’t want to wake up at the crack of dawn on Thanksgiving to work out, but you can find some time to exercise mid-morning. Switch it up by going to your favorite exercise class or go for a family walk. Moving your body ahead of any holiday is an ideal way to get your blood flowing, wake up your digestive track, and burn some calories before you dig into some of your favorite foods!

You deserve to let your body recover, but it’s important to balance the extra couch time with movement, too. Even if your kids are home from school, plan ahead to make sure you have time for yourself. And schedule a workout with a friend to hold yourself accountable!


Give your body more rest and Zz’s

The holiday season forces us to slow down, which is something we all need! Whether you take time off from work or visit with family and friends, you should prioritize yourself, so your body (and mind!) get the rest they deserve.

Too often, we shuffle from place to place, juggling kids’ activities with work priorities. And we don’t take the time to be present or to tune into what our bodies need. The holidays are the perfect opportunity to dial back on making plans. Instead, take time for yourself care (even if that means taking a bath or getting a pedicure!). This will help you feel more restored and recharged in the new year.

Stay hydrated!

Do your best to consume as much water as possible during the holidays. Whether you’re attending parties or going out with friends, the extra liquor combined with rich, heavy foods will eventually add up! Staying hydrated will help flush your body of unwanted toxins and will keep your immune system strong. Plus when you’re dehydrated, your body might mistake thirst for hunger. So be sure to fill up on water before going out, so you don’t overdo it on both the food and the booze!

When you wake up, immediately have a glass of water. If you’re planning to drink at night, consider adding electrolytes to your reusable water bottle. Stay on top of how much water you’re drinking throughout the day - your sleep habits, your brain fog, and your digestive system will thank you!


By maintaining your daily habits and overall health with a few of these tips, you won’t feel as stressed or anxious about getting “derailed” during the holidays. Yes, it may be difficult to be and eat as healthy as you typically do during the holidays, but it’s not impossible. Stay positive, carve out time for exercise and activities you enjoy, and remember that it’s most important to be present, unplug, and enjoy yourself!


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